May 27, 2023

Staffordshire University, Leek Road, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 2DF

Witchfest Midlands returns to Staffordshire University in 2023 on the 27th of May, bigger than ever. Filled with Talks and Workshops during the day, a bigger Esoteric Market than the year before and two amazing live bands to end the day the best way possible!

Photos from Previous Witchfest Midlands

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Prof Ronald Hutton
Pete Jennings
Mhara Starling
Rufus Harrington
Laura Daligan
Moira Hodgkinson
Jonathan Argento
Kevin Groves
Diane Narraway
Cat Treadwell
Raegan Shanti
Jenny Cartledge
Jessica Howard
Paul A.T. Wilson
Suzie Quartly
Jane Osbourne
And more

Live Music.

Damh the Bard

A modern-day Bard whose spirituality and love of folk tradition is expressed through his music, storytelling and poetry. Drawing on the Bardic tradition, his performances are both entertaining and educational, speaking directly to the heart, and never without a good splash of humour


The Alternative Folkie

An alternative type of person who loves folk…. or a folkie type of person who loves alternative? Shell is a singer songwriter with a passion for sweet melodic pagan folk music and contrasting strong gothic looks – and yes she is a Gemini! Writing songs from the heart about nature, trees and birds.

Please visit our sponsors
Children of Artemis,


27th May 2023


LRV Building, Staffordshire University, Leek Road, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 2DF

Witchfest Midlands

Our Speakers

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Ronald Hutton is both the senior Professor of History at Bristol University and the Gresham Professor of Divinity at London. Author of eighteen books, and eighty-six essays in academic journals and collections.

Vampires have become key figures in the modern imagination, over three thousand works of literature and film being devoted to them in the last third of the 20th century alone. This talk is intended to show why, and in doing so to show what function they have in the current world and why they matter so much to us.

Pete Jennings – a legend in his own lunchtime: so Heathen he can’t pass a quietly sleeping innocent village without visiting it to rescue the gold, silver, women and mead.

What is it really, and has it happened yet? Does anyone get out of here alive? Who does what, and what does it all mean? Pete Jennings suggests some answers.

Mhara Starling is a native Welsh speaker, born in North Wales. She is a Swynwraig, a Welsh folk Witch, and author of Welsh Witchcraft.

Welsh deities feature prominently in many modern pagan traditions and practices. In this talk we will explore the origin of these Gods and Goddesses, and how they became a fixture of modern Paganism and Witchcraft. Exploring deities such as Rhiannon, Gwyn ap Nudd, Arianrhod, Brân, Cerridwen and more!

A psychotherapist who has trained over 300 NHS therapists. He is the Clinical Director of Cognitive Behavioural Studies at the University of Cumbria. He runs a thriving private practice, teaches the magical arts and plays the drums in a band.

Doreen Valiente’s magic and inspiration were crucial to the creation of the Book of Shadows at the heart of Gardnerian and Alexandrian Witchcraft. These traditions in turn have influenced the development of Wicca, Witchcraft and Paganism worldwide.

Rufus Harrington will explain the role of the ‘Doreen Valiente Foundation’ as guardians of the original Books of Shadows created by Gardner and Valiente.  He will explore the Book of Shadows with you and the inspiration of Doreen Valiente. He will share with you his experience and the insight that has developed during forty years of being an initiate of the Craft. He will show you how to work with the magic at the heart of the Book of Shadows: exploring the creation of the magic circle and the invocation of the Gods.

Regular speaker at pagan events and has mentored witches for over 20 years. He facilitates The Wickham Coven, The Wild Witchcraft Conference and holds an MA in Religious Studies

This talk considers the role of Crossroads and some of the dilemmas facing modern witchcraft. The meeting of paths provides a place of choice and challenge. Here witchcraft takes its lead from the landscape as a force for change, often guided by the presence of the enigmatic Man in Black.

Solitary practitioner of Egyptian, symbolic and Chaos Magic, a healer and a regular contributor to CoA events on the subject of visualisation and astral magic.

Tales for Ancient Egypt and Inky Mystery File

Laura Daligan is an artist, witch, tarot reader, teacher, fire dancer and one of the original ‘YouTube Witches’. Witchcraft consultant for the British Museum and studying a Masters in Viking Studies.

The old Norse myths and sagas are brimming with tales of animal/human/god shapeshifting and magic. From Freyja’s Falcon cloak, Odin’s Ravens, to Loki’s infamous encounter as a mare, animal spirits are essential components in the stories and myths of the gods and heroes in the Viking world. Working with animal spirits can support and empower our own personal magical practice and in this talk, we will discover the purpose and powers of shapeshifting in the myths, and also work on our skills of communing with our own animal spirits.

Founder of Children of Artemis and Witchfest, Gardnerian HP and member of the Pagan Community for over 30 years. Merlyn has written articles for various pagan magazines including Witchcraft & Wicca, has give talks on a variety of Witchcraft, and magical related topics

While many view divination as a harmless passive activity, this talk is about the dark twin that can be used to create powerful spells to affect whatever change you wish, for good or ill. Learning this skill requires no divination skills and could empower your spell-casting forever.

Moira Hodgkinson is a witch and author with over thirty years of experience in the craft both as a solitary witch and in coven settings, and is a guest speaker and workshop leader at pagan festivals and events.

Combining the magical energy of a cone of power with intuition and imagination to create meaningful spells and rituals. Introducing the pudding of power and how to avoid it, add power and energy to your spells, what to do when things go wrong and how to make your rituals go with a bang

Diane is best known as an author, writer, speaker, event organiser and co-owner of Veneficia Publications, Ginger Fyre Press, and Highschool Horror, as well as the longstanding Arlahes of Clan Dolmen

A look at how our spiritual journey has featured the crow from our earliest ancestors, later in mythology and why it is still spiritually significant today.

Cat is a professional Druid Priest and Author from Derbyshire. With many years of experience volunteering for the Pagan community, post-2020 she now works on a more personal level as called upon.

So many people come to Paganism looking for Magic: power, control, solutions…
But that’s not what pagan power is. Cat will look at what the real power of modern Paganism is in the world today.
These crazy times call for change, and so we must stand in our power, individually and together. Let’s explore how.

Raegan Shanti is an eclectic Pagan witch, specialising in the use of dance and movement for magical purposes and the intersection of Hinduism and Western Paganism

Venture into a world of music, poetry and art with Saraswati, the Goddess of creativity and knowledge. Learn about her role in the Hindu pantheon and participate in a short ritual to help boost your own creativity.

Jenny is a Solitary Pagan Witch, who has written for Witchcraft and Wicca Magazine and contributes to Children of Artemis.

Looking at how Archaeological discoveries can enrich our practice, looking at evidence of Pagan worship in Great Britain, Rediscovered gods, and what stone circles were really for

She is the author of ‘The Art of Lithomancy’ and ‘The Water Witch: An Introduction to Water Witchcraft’, and runs her own website which also offers free courses on a range of magickal subjects

There are many different types of water spirits out there, but what are water spirits, and why should we work with them? Learn more about the what, the why, and the how of working with water spirits as we explore these fascinating beings, from the Welsh lake and well maidens, to the nymphs and mer-people of Europe and beyond.

Paul Wilson is a professional writer, storyteller, folklorist and historian who specialises in the Early-Medieval period in Britain as well as local folklore from the Isle of Wight.

Unverified Personal Gnosis: Personal Revelation And You

Unverified Personal Gnosis (UPG) or as it is sometimes called Subjective Personal Experience refers to the experience a person may have with divinity that doesn’t align with an established entity or lore. In this talk, we will explore this phenomenon as well discussing the validity of such experiences. We will look at what UPGs are and we’ll contextualise them through historical accounts as well as through modern frameworks.

A UPG by its definition is a personal experience, however, this does not mean the sharing thereof or acceptance must be. Let’s take some time and explore the world of experiencing the unknown through personal revelation, experience and gnosticism

Suzie has been following paganism since the mid 90’s and currently runs a moot in the Woking area of Surrey. Her hobbies include visiting pubs, and ambition is to visit more pubs.

SKHM is a heart-based energy discovered by Patrick Zeigler in 1979 after contriving to spend a night in The Great Pyramid in Egypt. Suzie became friends with Patrick in the late 1990’s and became the first person in UK to whom he granted a teachers certificate. As a living energy it changes and grows as it is used. Come and find out how it is presenting to Suzie currently as a journey to the depths of your soul.

Jane specialises in healing trauma from past lives and breaking negative cycles allowing the freed Inner Self to flourish.

Have you ever been to a place for the first time – yet it seemed strangely familiar? Have you ever met someone for the first  time and it was like you had always known them? – or you took an instant dislike to them for no particular reason? Do you have a natural talent that you do not have to work on? If so, come along and find out why!

A modern-day Bard whose spirituality and love of folk tradition is expressed through his music, storytelling and poetry. Drawing on the Bardic tradition, his performances are both entertaining and educational, speaking directly to the heart, and never without a good splash of humour

An alternative type of person who loves folk…. or a folkie type of person who loves alternative? Shell the Alternative Folkie is a singer songwriter with a passion for sweet melodic pagan folk music and contrasting strong gothic looks – and yes she is a Gemini! Writing songs from the heart about nature, trees and birds

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