Witchcraft & Wicca Magazine Issue 17

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Digital Version available to order from: http://www.magzter.com/GB/Children-of-Artemis/Witc... or download the Magzter app to your phone or tablet and search for Witchcraft.


Future of Wicca - David Rankine

Wicca - The Unknown Architect - Sorita D'Este

Wheel of the Year - Rhys Chisnall

Wicca and Exorcism - Peter Nash

The Key of Solomon - David Rankine

Future of Wicca - Kevin Saunders

The Future of the Craft - Rufus Harrington

Agents of Change Across Time - Martin Wyse

Spirit Traps - Tam Campbell

Elemental Magick & the Inner Talisman - Sorita D'Este

Witchcraft and Social Change - James Bennett

Contemplating Controversies - Melissa Harrington

Pentacles - Tracy Bishop


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