Witchcraft & Wicca Magazine Issue 6

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Digital Version available to order from: http://www.magzter.com/GB/Children-of-Artemis/Witc... or download the Magzter app to your phone or tablet and search for Witchcraft.

Witchfest Locals A four page report on the forthcoming Witchfest Locals for 2003. These new events will be held in London, Glasgow, Cardiff and Dublin

Wiccan Beginnings by Fred Lamond Gardnerian recollections of the early days of Wicca by an original member of Gerald Gardners coven.

Maxine Sanders The last part of a report on a talk given by Maxine Sanders on her life as a Wiccan High Priestess.

Mediaeval Musing An Interview with Rachel Van Asch of the Mediaeval Baebes, giving the inside story on the stars of the recent Witchfest UK 2002

Gwyn Ap Nudd by Iain Lowe
A fascinating combination of the mythology of this leader of the Wild Hunt and the creation of a unique painting

ABC of Witchcraft by Kate West
A Humerous and informative journey through the alphabet looking at all things Wiccan

Moon Magick by Silja
A guide to the mystical properties of the moon and using them within your own spells

The Gatherings
An opportunity to see if there is a gathering in your area with this list of established and new social gatherings around the country (world).

An Introduction to Astral Projection by Sorita
A practical introduction to the often misunderstood subject of Astral Projection.

Otherworld Experiences by Phillip Shallcrass (Greywolf)
A personal look at encounters with the inhabitants of other worlds, both spirits of the dead and deities.

DruidCraft by Phillip Carr Gomm
A look at magic of Druidry and Wicca, the similarities and differences by the head of the Druid order OBOD and the author of DruidCraft.

plus lots more....

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